What Are The Symptoms?
The low back pain may present as stiffness, tightness, aching, burning, stabbing or shooting sensations, pressure, or tingling sensations. The discomfort may extend to the buttocks, thighs, or knees. Additionally, muscle spasms may also occur. These symptoms tend to worsen when bending or arching the back, lifting heavy objects, or during prolonged sitting or standing positions.
Why Do I have back Pain?
Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor. There are many causes of low back pain and in general, low back pain can be divided into two categories — mechanical pain and neurogenic pain.
Mechanical pain could be caused by core muscle weakness and ligament strain but it could also be caused by spine and joint problems.
Common spine conditions include disc herniation, spinal canal narrowing, facet joint arthropathy, sacroiliac joint dysfunction, and hip joint pain. You can also experience neurogenic pain from any of these conditions if the nerve impingement was involved.

How do I know what is causing my pain?
Muscular. This pain is usually called a strain and It happens when the injury is in the muscles or tissues connecting the muscle to the bone. Ligamentous. This pain is usually called a sprain and it happens when the tissue that is connecting the bones are injured. Ankles are the most common place to get a sprain.
Trigger Points. Or also known as muscle “knots” develop as a result of muscular or ligamentous injuries.
Nerve Impingement. You may experience pain radiating down ‘your arms Or legs numbness, tingling or weakness with pinched nerve from spinal stenosis or disc herniation.
Sl Joints. These joints can be seen as two small dimples on each sides of your lower back. Sl joints connects the sacrum and the iliac bone and has very limited mobility It can be irritated or inflamed with age and traumatic events,
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Types of Back Pain
Spinal Canal Narrowing
aka Spinal Stenosis. Most commonly, this is part of the aging process but it can also be congenital. Acute disk herniation from a traumatic injury can also exacerbate the condition.
Disc Herniation/Disc Degeneration
As you age, your discs will go through a process of gradual wear and tear, this is called disc degeneration. Disc herniation can happen as a result of disc degeneration. However, you may also have disc herniation from traumatic injury such as falls or a blow to the back.
Facet Joint
Also known as zygapophyseal joint is a small, bony knob that connects the two vertebrae and is surrounded by small nerves called medial branch nerves that provide sensation to each facet joint. Face joints can wear out or degenerate with age. It can also be irritated or inflamed with traumatic injury.
When facet joints are affect, the pain also radiates into surrounding muscles. With cervical facet joints, pain may radiate into the upper back, shoulder area, and may cause headaches. With lumbar facet joints, pain may radiate into the buttock and the back of the thigh.

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